FlutterEngineLibrary class

Native API for the Flutter desktop embedder API.


FlutterEngineLibrary(DynamicLibrary dynamicLibrary)
The symbols are looked up in dynamicLibrary.
FlutterEngineLibrary.fromLookup(Pointer<T> lookup<T extends NativeType>(String symbolName))
The symbols are looked up with lookup.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


FlutterDesktopEngineCreate(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngineProperties> engine_properties) Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine>
Creates a Flutter engine with the given properties.
FlutterDesktopEngineDestroy(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine) int
Shuts down and destroys the given engine instance. Returns true if the shutdown was successful, or if the engine was not running.
FlutterDesktopEngineGetMessenger(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine) Pointer<FlutterDesktopMessenger>
Returns the messenger associated with the engine.
FlutterDesktopEngineGetPluginRegistrar(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine, Pointer<Int8> plugin_name) Pointer<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar>
Returns the plugin registrar handle for the plugin with the given name.
FlutterDesktopEngineGetTextureRegistrar(Pointer<FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrar> texture_registrar) Pointer<FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrar>
Returns the texture registrar associated with the engine.
FlutterDesktopEngineProcessMessages(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine) int
Processes any pending events in the Flutter engine, and returns the number of nanoseconds until the next scheduled event (or max, if none).
FlutterDesktopEngineReloadPlatformBrightness(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine) → void
FlutterDesktopEngineReloadSystemFonts(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine) → void
FlutterDesktopEngineRun(Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine, Pointer<Int8> entry_point) int
Starts running the given engine instance and optional entry point in the Dart project. If the entry point is null, defaults to main().
FlutterDesktopGetDpiForHWND(int hwnd) int
Gets the DPI for a given hwnd, depending on the supported APIs per windows version and DPI awareness mode. If nullptr is passed, returns the DPI of the primary monitor.
FlutterDesktopGetDpiForMonitor(int monitor) int
Gets the DPI for a given monitor. If the API is not available, a default DPI of 96 is returned.
FlutterDesktopMessengerSend(Pointer<FlutterDesktopMessenger> messenger, Pointer<Int8> channel, Pointer<Uint8> message, int message_size) int
Sends a binary message to the Flutter side on the specified channel.
FlutterDesktopMessengerSendResponse(Pointer<FlutterDesktopMessenger> messenger, Pointer<FlutterDesktopMessageResponseHandle> handle, Pointer<Uint8> data, int data_length) → void
Sends a reply to a FlutterDesktopMessage for the given response handle.
FlutterDesktopMessengerSendWithReply(Pointer<FlutterDesktopMessenger> messenger, Pointer<Int8> channel, Pointer<Uint8> message, int message_size, FlutterDesktopBinaryReply reply, Pointer<NativeType> user_data) int
Sends a binary message to the Flutter side on the specified channel.
FlutterDesktopMessengerSetCallback(Pointer<FlutterDesktopMessenger> messenger, Pointer<Int8> channel, FlutterDesktopMessageCallback callback, Pointer<NativeType> user_data) → void
Registers a callback function for incoming binary messages from the Flutter side on the specified channel.
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarGetMessenger(Pointer<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar> registrar) Pointer<FlutterDesktopMessenger>
Returns the engine messenger associated with this registrar.
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarGetView(Pointer<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar> registrar) Pointer<FlutterDesktopView>
Returns the view associated with this registrar's engine instance.
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRegisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(Pointer<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar> registrar, int delegate, Pointer<NativeType> user_data) → void
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarSetDestructionHandler(Pointer<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar> registrar, FlutterDesktopOnPluginRegistrarDestroyed callback) → void
Registers a callback to be called when the plugin registrar is destroyed.
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarUnregisterTopLevelWindowProcDelegate(Pointer<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar> registrar, int delegate) → void
FlutterDesktopRegistrarGetTextureRegistrar(Pointer<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrar> registrar) Pointer<FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrar>
Returns the texture registrar associated with this registrar.
FlutterDesktopResyncOutputStreams() → void
Reopens stdout and stderr and resyncs the standard library output streams. Should be called if output is being directed somewhere in the runner process (e.g., after an AllocConsole call).
FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrarMarkExternalTextureFrameAvailable(Pointer<FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrar> texture_registrar, int texture_id) int
Marks that a new texture frame is available for a given texture_id. Returns true on success or false if the specified texture doesn't exist. This function can be called from any thread.
FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrarRegisterExternalTexture(Pointer<FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrar> texture_registrar, Pointer<FlutterDesktopTextureInfo> info) int
Registers a new texture with the Flutter engine and returns the texture ID. This function can be called from any thread.
FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrarUnregisterExternalTexture(Pointer<FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrar> texture_registrar, int texture_id) int
Unregisters an existing texture from the Flutter engine for a texture_id. Returns true on success or false if the specified texture doesn't exist. This function can be called from any thread. However, textures must not be unregistered while they're in use.
FlutterDesktopViewControllerCreate(int width, int height, Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine> engine) Pointer<FlutterDesktopViewControllerState>
Creates a view that hosts and displays the given engine instance.
FlutterDesktopViewControllerDestroy(Pointer<FlutterDesktopViewControllerState> controller) → void
Shuts down the engine instance associated with controller, and cleans up associated state.
FlutterDesktopViewControllerForceRedraw(Pointer<FlutterDesktopViewControllerState> controller) → void
Requests new frame from engine and repaints the view
FlutterDesktopViewControllerGetEngine(Pointer<FlutterDesktopViewControllerState> controller) Pointer<FlutterDesktopEngine>
Returns the handle for the engine running in FlutterDesktopViewControllerRef.
FlutterDesktopViewControllerGetView(Pointer<FlutterDesktopViewControllerState> controller) Pointer<FlutterDesktopView>
Returns the view managed by the given controller.
FlutterDesktopViewControllerHandleTopLevelWindowProc(Pointer<FlutterDesktopViewControllerState> controller, int hwnd, int message, int wparam, int lparam, Pointer<LRESULT> result) int
Allows the Flutter engine and any interested plugins an opportunity to handle the given message.
FlutterDesktopViewGetHWND(Pointer<FlutterDesktopView> view) int
Return backing HWND for manipulation in host application.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.