GetServiceDisplayName function advapi32

int GetServiceDisplayName(
  1. int hSCManager,
  2. Pointer<Utf16> lpServiceName,
  3. Pointer<Utf16> lpDisplayName,
  4. Pointer<Uint32> lpcchBuffer,

Retrieves the display name of the specified service.

BOOL GetServiceDisplayNameW(
  [in]            SC_HANDLE hSCManager,
  [in]            LPCWSTR   lpServiceName,
  [out, optional] LPWSTR    lpDisplayName,
  [in, out]       LPDWORD   lpcchBuffer


int GetServiceDisplayName(int hSCManager, Pointer<Utf16> lpServiceName,
        Pointer<Utf16> lpDisplayName, Pointer<Uint32> lpcchBuffer) =>
        hSCManager, lpServiceName, lpDisplayName, lpcchBuffer);