FindFirstFileName function kernel32

int FindFirstFileName(
  1. Pointer<Utf16> lpFileName,
  2. int dwFlags,
  3. Pointer<Uint32> StringLength,
  4. Pointer<Utf16> LinkName,

Creates an enumeration of all the hard links to the specified file. The FindFirstFileNameW function returns a handle to the enumeration that can be used on subsequent calls to the FindNextFileNameW function.

HANDLE FindFirstFileNameW(
  [in]      LPCWSTR lpFileName,
  [in]      DWORD   dwFlags,
  [in, out] LPDWORD StringLength,
  [in, out] PWSTR   LinkName


int FindFirstFileName(Pointer<Utf16> lpFileName, int dwFlags,
        Pointer<Uint32> StringLength, Pointer<Utf16> LinkName) =>
    _FindFirstFileName(lpFileName, dwFlags, StringLength, LinkName);