createFromID static method
Create an instance of a COM object using its class identifier, cast to the specified interface.
The caller is responsible for disposing of the memory of the returned
object when it is no longer required. A FFI Arena
may be passed as a
custom allocator for ease of memory management.
static Pointer<COMObject> createFromID(String clsid, String iid,
{Allocator allocator = calloc}) {
final pClsid = convertToCLSID(clsid);
final pIid = convertToIID(iid);
final pObj = allocator<COMObject>();
try {
final hr = CoCreateInstance(
pClsid, nullptr, CLSCTX.CLSCTX_ALL, pIid, pObj.cast());
if (FAILED(hr)) throw WindowsException(hr);
return pObj;
} finally {