BluetoothSdpGetString function bluetooth

int BluetoothSdpGetString(
  1. Pointer<Uint8> pRecordStream,
  2. int cbRecordLength,
  3. Pointer<SDP_STRING_TYPE_DATA> pStringData,
  4. int usStringOffset,
  5. Pointer<Utf16> pszString,
  6. Pointer<Uint32> pcchStringLength,

The BluetoothSdpGetString function converts a raw string embedded in the SDP record into a Unicode string.

DWORD BluetoothSdpGetString(
  [in]      LPBYTE                      pRecordStream,
  [in]      ULONG                       cbRecordLength,
  [in]      const PSDP_STRING_TYPE_DATA pStringData,
  [in]      USHORT                      usStringOffset,
  [out]     PWSTR                       pszString,
  [in, out] PULONG                      pcchStringLength


int BluetoothSdpGetString(
        Pointer<Uint8> pRecordStream,
        int cbRecordLength,
        Pointer<SDP_STRING_TYPE_DATA> pStringData,
        int usStringOffset,
        Pointer<Utf16> pszString,
        Pointer<Uint32> pcchStringLength) =>
    _BluetoothSdpGetString(pRecordStream, cbRecordLength, pStringData,
        usStringOffset, pszString, pcchStringLength);