style property

  1. @override
SwitchStyle get style

The SwitchStyle to be applied to the Switch widget


get style => DrivenSwitchStyle(
      size: const Size(52, 32),
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(9),
      trackBorderWidth: 0,
      trackHeight: 32,
      thumbSize: 26,
      thumbElevation: 2,
      trackColor: colorTheme.surfaceVariant,
      thumbColor: isLight ? Colors.white : colorTheme.onSurfaceVariant,
      selectedStyle: SwitchStyle(
        thumbSize: 26,
        trackColor: colorTheme.primary,
        thumbColor: colorTheme.onPrimary,
      hoveredStyle: const SwitchStyle(
        overlayRadius: 20.0,
      pressedStyle: const SwitchStyle(
        overlayRadius: 10.0,
        thumbSize: 26,
      disabledStyle: const SwitchStyle(
        trackAlpha: SwitchStyle.disabledTrackAlpha,
        thumbAlpha: SwitchStyle.disabledThumbAlpha,