weekday_selector library


A single button that holds a weekday.
The WeekdaySelector displays buttons that correspond to weekdays and lets the user select some of these weekdays.
An inherited widget that defines the appearance of MaterialWeekdayButton widgets in this widget's subtree.
Defines the appearance of MaterialWeekdayButton widgets.


defaultDisplayedDays → const Set<int>
The days that we display if the displayedDays argument is omitted.
defaultFirstDayOfWeek → const int
The value we use for the first day of the week if the value is omitted.
defaultShortWeekdays → const List<String>
The values used for the weekday buttons if the short names list is omitted.
defaultTextDirection → const TextDirection
defaultWeekdays → const List<String>
The values used for the weekday tooltips if the tooltips list is omitted.