encryptBytes abstract method

Future<Uint8List> encryptBytes(
  1. List<int> data, {
  2. List<int>? label,

Encrypt data such that it can only be decrypted with RsaOaepPrivateKey.decryptBytes from the matching private key.

The optional label may be used to provide arbitrary data that will not be encrypted, but instead specifies important context for the data. If an RsaOaepPublicKey is used to encrypt multiple kinds of data, then using a unique label for each kind of data ensures that data encrypted for one purpose cannot be reused for another purpose by an adversary. For further discussion of labels, see section 2.1.4 of "A Proposal for an ISO Standard for Public Key Encryption".

The size of the data to be encrypted is limited to data.length <= (modulusLength - 2 * hashLength - 2) / 8, where hashLength and modulusLength are given in bits. For example, a 2048 bit RSA key with Hash.sha256 cannot encrypt messages larger than 191 bytes. For this reason, RSAES-OAEP is often used to encrypt/decrypt a random one-time key for a symmetric cipher like AesCbcSecretKey, AesCtrSecretKey or AesGcmSecretKey, after which the symmetric cipher is used to encrypt/decrypt larger messages.


import 'dart:convert' show utf8;
import 'package:webcrypto/webcrypto.dart';
import 'package:pem/pem.dart';

// Generate a key-pair.
final keyPair = await RsaOaepPrivateKey.generateKey(
// Alice sends keyPair.publicKey to Bob

// Bob can generate a 256 bit symmetric secret key
final secretKeyToBeShared = await AesGcmSecretKey.generateKey(256);

// Using the public key Bob can encrypt secretKeyToBeShared, such that it
// can only be decrypted with the private key.
final encryptedRawKey = await keyPair.publicKey.encryptBytes(
  await secretKeyToBeShared.exportRawKey(),
  label: 'shared-key-exchange',
// Bob sends Alice: encryptedRawKey

// Given privateKey and encryptedRawKey Alice can decrypt the shared key.
final sharedRawSecretKey = await keypair.privateKey.decryptBytes(
  label: 'shared-key-exchange',
final sharedSecretKey = await AesGcmSecretKey.importRaw(
// Now both Alice and Bob share a secret key.


// Note: A decent explanation of the [label] is available in:
// Section 2.1.4 of "A Proposal for an ISO Standard for Public Key Encryption"
// Version 2.1, by Victor Shoup, 2001.
// https://www.shoup.net/papers/iso-2_1.pdf
// See also documentation for crypto/rsa in golang:
// https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/rsa#EncryptOAEP
Future<Uint8List> encryptBytes(List<int> data, {List<int>? label});