interpolate static method

String? interpolate(
  1. String format,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> values

interpolates value of the string, e.g.:

final helloWorldString = VoyagerUtils.interpolate("Hello %{myField}!", {"myField" : "world" })

Will evaluate to "Hello world!"


static String? interpolate(String format, Map<String, dynamic> values) {
  if (isNullOrBlank(format) || !format.contains(_VARIABLE_PREFIX))
    return format;
  var convFormat = format;

  final keys = values.keys.iterator;
  final valueList = <String>[];

  var currentPos = 1;
  while (keys.moveNext()) {
    final key = keys.current,
        formatKey = "$_VARIABLE_PREFIX$key$_VARIABLE_SUFFIX",
        formatPos = "%$currentPos\$s";
    var index = 0;
    var replaced = false;
    while ((index = convFormat.indexOf(formatKey, index)) != -1) {
      convFormat =
          convFormat.replaceRange(index, index + formatKey.length, formatPos);
      index += formatPos.length;
      replaced = true;

    if (replaced) {

  try {
    return sprintf(convFormat, valueList);
  } catch (e) {
    return null;