ud_design package helps developing responsive Flutter applications.

Note: This package is still under development. Try not to use same value for mobile, tab and desktop or large devices. Always check for updated version.


Add dependency:

Please check the latest version before installation.

    sdk: flutter
  ud_design: ^0.0.9

Add the following import to your Dart code:

import 'package:ud_design/ud_design.dart';


You must call UdDesign.init() and pass context in a Widget build() function and it should be inside a MaterialApp, Not Before MaterialApp.


void  main() {

class  MyApp  extends  StatelessWidget {
  Widget  build(BuildContext context) {
    return  MaterialApp(
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      home: Home(),

class  Home  extends  StatelessWidget {
  Widget  build(BuildContext context) {
  //Initializing UdDesign!
    return  Scaffold();


  • To make responsive design using point or pt values, use UdDesign.pt() and pass point or pt value. Larger devices or screens like laptop will use default value of Flutter. So responsiveness using UdDesign.pt() will work on mobile, tabs and and mini laptops.

  • For responsiveness you can use UdDesign.blocksXaxis() by passing how much screen portion you want to use in horizontal (X) axis in the range of 0% - 100%. You can use this method on any devices or screens based on your need.

  • For responsiveness you can use UdDesign.blocksYaxis() by passing how much screen portion you want to use in vertical (Y) axis in the range of 0% - 100%. You can use this method on any devices or screens based on your need.

  • For responsive font size, use UdDesign.fontSize() and pass value. Larger devices or screens like laptop will use default value of Flutter. So responsive fonts using UdDesign.fontSize() will work on mobile, tabs and and mini laptops.

  • To get device type use UdDesign.deviceType or call UdDesign.getDeviceType().

  • For device orientation update use UdDesign.orientation. Landscape orientation will change UdDesign.deviceType value based on screen width.

    Check example page for code examples


Muhammad Shajedul Islam

Fatima Mostafa