createFollow abstract method

Future<TwitterResponse<FollowStateData, void>> createFollow({
  1. required String userId,
  2. required String targetUserId,

Allows a user ID to follow another user.

If the target user does not have public Tweets, this endpoint will send a follow request.

The request succeeds with no action when the authenticated user sends a request to a user they're already following, or if they're sending a follower request to a user that does not have public Tweets.


  • userId: The authenticated user ID who you would like to initiate the follow on behalf of. You must pass the Access Tokens that relate to this user when authenticating the request.

  • targetUserId: The user ID of the user that you would like the id to follow.

Endpoint Url

Authentication Methods

  • OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE
  • OAuth 1.0a

Required Scopes

  • follows.write

Rate Limits

  • User rate limit (OAuth 2.0 user Access Token): 50 requests per 15-minute window per each authenticated user



Future<TwitterResponse<FollowStateData, void>> createFollow(
    {required String userId, required String targetUserId});