UserMeta constructor
- @JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
{ - required int resultCount,
- String? nextToken,
- String? previousToken,
@JsonSerializable(includeIfNull: false)
const factory UserMeta({
/// The number of users returned in this request. Note that this number
/// may be lower than what was specified in the max_results query parameter.
required int resultCount,
/// Pagination token for the next page of results. This value is returned
/// when there are multiple pages of results, as the current request may
/// only return a subset of results. To retrieve the full list, keep passing
/// the value from this field in the pagination_token query parameter. When
/// this field is not returned in the response, it means you've reached the
/// last page of results, and that there are no further pages.
String? nextToken,
/// Pagination token for the previous page of results. This value is
/// returned when there are multiple pages of results, as the current
/// request may only return a subset of results. To go back to the previous
/// page, passing the value from this field in the pagination_token query
/// parameter. When this field is not returned in the response, it means
/// you are on the first page of results.
String? previousToken,
}) = _UserMeta;