line_to_polygon library


lineStringToPolygon(GeoJSONObject line, bool autoComplete, bool orderCoords, {Map<String, dynamic>? properties}) Feature<Polygon>
Converts LineString to Polygon Takes a optional boolean autoComplete that auto completes LineStrings Takes an optional orderCoords that sorts LineStrings to place outer ring at the first Position of the coordinates.
lineToPolygon(GeoJSONObject lines, {Map<String, dynamic>? properties, bool autoComplete = true, bool orderCoords = true, bool mutate = false}) Feature<GeometryObject>
Converts LineStrings & MultiLineString to Polygon or MultiPolygon. Takes an optional boolean autoComplete that auto completes LineStrings (matches first & last coordinates). Takes an optional orderCoords that sorts LineStrings to place outer ring at the first Position of the coordinates. Takes an optional mutate that mutates the original LineString using autoComplete (matches first & last coordinates. Returns Feature<Polygon> or Feature<MultiPolygon> converted to Polygons. example: