wrap method

List<String> wrap(
  1. String text

Reformat the single paragraph in text so it fits in lines of no more than width columns, and return a list of wrapped lines.


List<String> wrap(String text) {
  var chunks = splitChunks(text,
      breakOnHyphens: breakLongWords,
      expandTabs: expandTabs,
      tabSize: tabSize,
      replaceWhitespace: replaceWhitespace);

  if (fixSentenceEndings) {

  return wrapChunks(chunks,
      width: width,
      initialIndent: initialIndent,
      subsequentIndent: subsequentIndent,
      breakLongWords: breakLongWords,
      dropWhitespace: dropWhitespace,
      breakOnHyphens: breakOnHyphens,
      maxLines: maxLines,
      placeholder: placeholder);