defineReflectiveTests function

void defineReflectiveTests(
  1. Type type

Runs test methods existing in the given type.

If there is a "solo" test method in the top-level suite, only "solo" methods are run.

If there is a "solo" test type, only its test methods are run.

Otherwise all tests methods of all test types are run.

Each method is run with a new instance of type. So, type should have a default constructor.

If type declares method setUp, it methods will be invoked before any test method invocation.

If type declares method tearDown, it will be invoked after any test method invocation. If method returns Future to test some asynchronous behavior, then tearDown will be invoked in Future.complete.


void defineReflectiveTests(Type type) {
  ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(type);
  if (!classMirror.metadata.any((InstanceMirror annotation) =>
      annotation.type.reflectedType == _ReflectiveTest)) {
    String name = MirrorSystem.getName(classMirror.qualifiedName);
    throw Exception('Class $name must have annotation "@reflectiveTest" '
        'in order to be run by runReflectiveTests.');

  _Group group;
    bool isSolo = _hasAnnotationInstance(classMirror, soloTest);
    String className = MirrorSystem.getName(classMirror.simpleName);
    group = _Group(isSolo, _combineNames(_currentSuiteName, className));

      .forEach((Symbol symbol, MethodMirror memberMirror) {
    // we need only methods
    if (!memberMirror.isRegularMethod) {
    // prepare information about the method
    String memberName = MirrorSystem.getName(symbol);
    bool isSolo = memberName.startsWith('solo_') ||
        _hasAnnotationInstance(memberMirror, soloTest);
    // test_
    if (memberName.startsWith('test_')) {
      if (_hasSkippedTestAnnotation(memberMirror)) {
      } else {
        group.addTest(isSolo, memberName, memberMirror, () {
          if (_hasFailingTestAnnotation(memberMirror) ||
              _isCheckedMode && _hasAssertFailingTestAnnotation(memberMirror)) {
            return _runFailingTest(classMirror, symbol);
          } else {
            return _runTest(classMirror, symbol);
    // solo_test_
    if (memberName.startsWith('solo_test_')) {
      group.addTest(true, memberName, memberMirror, () {
        return _runTest(classMirror, symbol);
    // fail_test_
    if (memberName.startsWith('fail_')) {
      group.addTest(isSolo, memberName, memberMirror, () {
        return _runFailingTest(classMirror, symbol);
    // solo_fail_test_
    if (memberName.startsWith('solo_fail_')) {
      group.addTest(true, memberName, memberMirror, () {
        return _runFailingTest(classMirror, symbol);
    // skip_test_
    if (memberName.startsWith('skip_test_')) {

  // Support for the case of missing enclosing [defineReflectiveSuite].