televerse_shelf library
Televerse Shelf
is a Dart library that integrates the power of the
televerse package with the flexibility of
package:shelf. It allows you to manage Telegram bot webhooks
while retaining full control over your server routes and middleware.
By default, the Televerse package supports fetching updates from a webhook. However, the server
that handles these webhooks is managed internally, leaving developers with limited control over
routes and other server functionalities. With televerse_shelf
, you can leverage the capabilities
of package:shelf
to create a customizable web server where you can specify your own routes and
middleware, all while seamlessly handling Telegram bot webhooks.
This package is perfect for developers who want more control over their server and wish to combine a Telegram bot with other API routes or functionalities on a single port.
Key Features
- Customizable Routes: Define your own routes for both the bot webhook and other server
functionalities using
. - Middleware Support: Add and manage middlewares (e.g., logging, authentication) for your routes, including the bot webhook route.
- Seamless Televerse Integration: Easily set up a Televerse bot with a webhook, managed by a Shelf-powered server.
How It Works
- Use the
to create a handler for your bot's webhook. - Define a dedicated route for the webhook using
or your preferred Shelf-compatible router. - Add additional routes for other server functionality as needed.
- Start a Shelf server to handle all the defined routes.
Here's a simple example to demonstrate how to use the package:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart';
import 'package:shelf_router/shelf_router.dart';
import 'package:televerse/televerse.dart';
import 'package:televerse_shelf/televerse_shelf.dart';
void main() async {
// Get your token from @BotFather
final token = Platform.environment["BOT_TOKEN"]!;
// Take an instance of the Televerse Shelf Adapter, which we'll use
// as the fetcher for our bot.
final fetcher = TeleverseShelfWebhook();
// Initialize your bot by passing the fetcher.
final bot = Bot(
fetcher: fetcher,
// Setup your commands and other listeners
bot.command('start', (ctx) async {
await ctx.reply("Hello World!");
// Create a router
final router = Router();
// Use the fetcher.createHandler() to handle the bot's incoming webhook requests.'/webhook', fetcher.createHandler());
// Add additional routes for other server functionalities
router.get('/api', (req) => Response.ok("Hello from API!"));
router.get('/health', (req) => Response.ok('{"status":"OK"}'));
// Add middlewares as usual
final pipeline =
// Start the server
final server = await serve(pipeline, 'localhost', 8080);
// Start the bot
await bot.start();
print('Server running on port ${server.port}');
When to Use televerse_shelf
- When you need more control over your server routes and middleware.
- When you want to combine Telegram bot functionality with other server endpoints.
- When you're building a complex application that requires a single server handling both bot requests and other HTTP requests.
Getting Started
- Install the package via
pub add televerse_shelf
. - Import it alongside
. - Set up your Shelf server, defining routes and adding middlewares.
- Use the
to integrate your bot webhook seamlessly into your Shelf server.
With televerse_shelf
, you get the best of both worlds: the simplicity of Televerse and the
flexibility of Shelf, enabling you to build sophisticated applications with ease.
CTX extends Context> - A shelf adapter for Televerse webhook functionality that implements the Fetcher interface