TcpScannerTask constructor

  1. String host,
  2. List<int> ports, {
  3. Duration socketTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 1),
  4. bool shuffle = false,
  5. int parallelism = 4,


TcpScannerTask(, List<int> ports,
    {this.socketTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 1), this.shuffle = false, int parallelism = 4}) {
  if (ports.isEmpty) {
    throw TcpScannerTaskException('Ports list is empty');
  } else if (parallelism < 1) {
    throw TcpScannerTaskException('\'parallelism\' should be a positive number');
  } else if (ports.any((port)=> port < 0 || 65535 < port )) {
    throw TcpScannerTaskException('Some port is out of range 0-65535');
  //  Copy ports list and shuffle them if it's needed
  var portsList = ports.toSet().toList();
  if (shuffle) portsList.shuffle();
  this.ports = portsList;
  // Calculate number of isolates. The number of isolates can't be more than the number of ports.
  this.parallelism = min(parallelism, ports.length);