StringSC extension

Supercharged extensions on String.



reverse String
Reverses the string
no setter


allAfter(Pattern pattern) String
Searches the string for the first occurrence of a pattern and returns everything after that occurrence.
allBefore(Pattern pattern) String
Searches the string for the last occurrence of a pattern and returns everything before that occurrence.
allBetween(Pattern startPattern, Pattern endPattern) String
Searches the string for the first occurrence of startPattern and the last occurrence of endPattern. It returns the string between that occurrences.
parseJSON({Object? reviver(Object? key, Object? value)?}) → dynamic
De-string-ifies a JSON string back into a JSON object
repeat(int n, {String separator = ''}) String
Repeats the string n times
toDouble() double?
Parses string and return double value.
toInt({int radix = 10}) int?
Parses string and returns integer value.
toList() List<String>
Transforms the string into a list of single characters