CoreListExtension<T extends Object> extension



iterable Iterable<T>
no setter
lastIndex int
no setter


chop([int num = 1]) List<T>
chunkedStream(int chunkSize) Stream<List<T>>
end(int index) → T
firstOrNull([bool filter(T item)?]) → T?
get(int index) → T?
safeRemove(int index) → T?
singleOrNull() → T?
tail([int i = 1]) List<T>
tryEnd(int index) → T?
tryGet(int index) → T?
tryRemove(int index) → T?
trySublist(int startIndex, int endIndex) List<T>
updateWhere(bool predicate(T check), dynamic mutate(T input)) List<T>


operator *(dynamic item) List<T>
The existing List + operator only works for lists, so *= is the best we can do