process method

StubbleResult? process(
  1. ProcessMessage msg,
  2. StubbleContext context


StubbleResult? process(ProcessMessage msg, StubbleContext context) {
  final charCode = msg.charCode;

  path ??= '';

  if (charCode == eos) {
    return StubbleResult(
        pop: true, message: ProcessMessage(charCode: charCode));
  } else if (charCode == dot) {
    if (path!.isEmpty) {
      return StubbleResult(
          err: StubbleError(
              text: 'Path should not start with point character',
              code: errorPathWrongSpecified));

    path = path! + String.fromCharCode(charCode);
  } else if ((charCode >= 48 && charCode <= 57)) {
    if (path!.isEmpty) {
      return StubbleResult(
          err: StubbleError(
              text: 'Path should not start with number character',
              code: errorPathWrongSpecified));

    path = path! + String.fromCharCode(charCode);
  } else if ((charCode >= 65 && charCode <= 90) ||
      (charCode >= 97 && charCode <= 122) ||
      charCode == 95) {
    path = path! + String.fromCharCode(charCode);
  } else if (charCode == space || charCode == closeBracket) {
    if (lastChar == dot) {
      return StubbleResult(
          err: StubbleError(
              text: 'Path should not end with dot character',
              code: errorPathWrongSpecified));
    return StubbleResult(
        pop: true,
        message: NotifyMessage(
            type: notifyPathResult, value: path, charCode: charCode));
  } else {
    return StubbleResult(
        err: StubbleError(
            code: errorNotAValidPathChar,
                'Character "${String.fromCharCode(charCode)}" is not a valid in path'));

  lastChar = charCode;

  return null;