confirmSepaDebitPayment method

Future<PaymentIntentResponse> confirmSepaDebitPayment(
  1. String clientSecret, {
  2. ConfirmSepaDebitPaymentData? data,

Use stripe.confirmSepaDebitPayment in the SEPA Direct Debit Payments with Payment Methods flow when the customer submits your payment form. When called, it will confirm the PaymentIntent with data you provide. Note that there are some additional requirements to this flow that are not covered in this reference. Refer to our integration guide for more details.

When you confirm a PaymentIntent, it needs to have an attached PaymentMethod. In addition to confirming the PaymentIntent, this method can automatically create and attach a new PaymentMethod for you. If you have already attached a PaymentMethod you can call this method without needing to provide any additional data. These use cases are detailed in the sections that follow.

Note that stripe.confirmSepaDebitPayment may take several seconds to complete. During that time, you should disable your form from being resubmitted and show a waiting indicator like a spinner. If you receive an error result, you should be sure to show that error to the customer, re-enable the form, and hide the waiting indicator.


Future<PaymentIntentResponse> confirmSepaDebitPayment(
  String clientSecret, {
  ConfirmSepaDebitPaymentData? data,
}) {
  final jsData = jsify(data?.toJson() ?? {});
  return parseIntentResponse(
    js.confirmSepaDebitPayment(clientSecret, jsData),