openConnection method

Future<OwnUser> openConnection({
  1. bool includeUserDetailsInConnectCall = false,

Creates a new WebSocket connection with the current user. If includeUserDetailsInConnectCall is true it will include the current user details in the connect call.


Future<OwnUser> openConnection({
  bool includeUserDetailsInConnectCall = false,
}) async {
    state.currentUser != null,
    'User is not set on client, '
    'use `connectUser` or `connectAnonymousUser` instead',

  final user = state.currentUser!;'Opening web-socket connection for ${}');

  if (wsConnectionStatus == ConnectionStatus.connecting) {
    throw StreamChatError('Connection already in progress for ${}');

  if (wsConnectionStatus == ConnectionStatus.connected) {
    throw StreamChatError('Connection already available for ${}');

  _wsConnectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.connecting;

  // skipping `ws` seed connection status -> ConnectionStatus.disconnected
  // otherwise `client.wsConnectionStatusStream` will emit in order
  // 1. ConnectionStatus.disconnected -> client seed status
  // 2. ConnectionStatus.connecting -> client connecting status
  // 3. ConnectionStatus.disconnected -> ws seed status
  _connectionStatusSubscription =

  try {
    final event = await _ws.connect(
      includeUserDetails: includeUserDetailsInConnectCall,
    return user.merge(;
  } catch (e, stk) {
    logger.severe('error connecting ws', e, stk);