getReplies method

Future<QueryRepliesResponse> getReplies(
  1. String parentId, {
  2. PaginationParams? options,
  3. bool preferOffline = false,

List the message replies for a parent message.

Set preferOffline to true to avoid the api call if the data is already in the offline storage.


Future<QueryRepliesResponse> getReplies(
  String parentId, {
  PaginationParams? options,
  bool preferOffline = false,
}) async {
  final cachedReplies = await _client.chatPersistenceClient?.getReplies(
    options: options,
  if (cachedReplies != null && cachedReplies.isNotEmpty) {
    state?.updateThreadInfo(parentId, cachedReplies);
    if (preferOffline) {
      return QueryRepliesResponse()..messages = cachedReplies;
  final repliesResponse = await _client.getReplies(
    options: options,
  state?.updateThreadInfo(parentId, repliesResponse.messages);
  return repliesResponse;