builder property

(Widget Function(Widget routerOutlet)?) builder

Used to wrap the the router outlet widget inside another widget.

 final myNavigator = NavigationBuilder.create(
   routes: {
     '/': (_) => HomePage(),
     '/Page1': (_) => RouteWidget(
           builder: (routeOutlet) {
              // If you extract this Scaffold to a Widget class, you do not
              // need to use the Builder widget
             return Scaffold(
               appBar: AppBar(
                 title: OnReactive( // It reactive to routeData
                   () => Builder( // Needed only to get a child BuildContext
                     builder: (context) {
                       final location = context.routeData.location;
                       return Text('Routing to: $location');
               body: routeOutlet,
           routes: {
             '/': (_) => Page1(),
             '/:id': (data) => Page1(id: data.pathParam['id']),
             '/page12': (_) => Page12(),


final Widget Function(Widget routerOutlet)? builder;