The AnimationGroup class is used to animate multiple Animatables.
Those Animatables are animated in parallel and the onComplete
callback is called when all Animatables have completed.
The BitmapDataLoadInfo creates information about the best matching image
file based on the specified image url, the pixelRatios and the current
display configuration.
The BitmapDataUpdateBatch class provides all the BitmapData update
methods, but does not automatically update the underlying WebGL texture.
This improves the performance for multiple updates to the BitmapData.
Once all updates are done, call the update method to update the
underlying WebGL texture.
This class is a replacement for the deprecated shadow property of the
DisplayObject class. Please consider to use the DropShadowFilter class
which is the recommended technique to render shadows in WebGL.
The FlattenFilter does not change the visual appearance of the BitmapData
or DisplayObject where it is applied to. This filter can be used to merge
the children of a DisplayObjectContainer to a flat texture. This is useful
for DisplayObjects with certain blend modes or alpha values.
The HtmlObject adds a regular HTML element to the display list.
You can set all the well known DisplayObject properties like x, y, scaleX,
scaleY, rotation or alpha which will be applied to the HTML element. Because
the HtmlObject is still rendered by the browser it will appear on top of
the Stage and can't be overlayed by regular DisplayObjects.
The InteractiveObject class is the abstract base class for all display
objects with which the user can interact, using the mouse, keyboard, or
other user input device.
A Mask describes a geometric shape to show only a portion of a
DisplayObject. Pixels inside of the shape are visible and pixels
outside of the shape are invisible.
The abstract RenderObject class defines the interface for a class
that can be rendered with the RenderState.renderObject method. All
display objects do implement this interface and therefore they can be
rendered by the engine.
The abstract RenderObject3D class adds a 3D projection matrix to
the RenderObject class. Only display objects with 3D capabilities
will implement this class.
The RenderTextureFiltering defines the method that is used to determine
the texture color for a texture mapped pixel, using the colors of nearby
texels (pixels of the texture).
The Scale9Bitmap display object divides it's BitmapData into a 3x3 grid
defined by the grid rectangle. The corners of the grid are rendered
in it's orignal form. The fields between the corners are scaled to get
the size defined by the width and height properties.
The Stage is the drawing area where all display objects are rendered to.
Place a Canvas element to your HTML and use the Stage to wrap all the
rendering functions to this Canvas element.
Use the Tween class to animate the properties of a display object like
x, y, scaleX, scaleY, alpha, rotation etc. The animation starts with the
current value of the property and ends at a given target or delta value.
The TweenProperty class controls the value of a property while
the tween is running. This class is returned by the getters of
the TweenPropertyAccessor implementations.
The StageAlign defines how the content of the Stage is aligned inside
of the Canvas. The setting controls where the origin (point 0,0) of the
Stage will be placed on the Canvas.
The TransitionFunction is the function signature for transitions used
in the Tween and Translation classes. The function takes the ratio
between 0.0 and 1.0 and returns the actual progress of the transition.