update method

Future<int> update({
  1. required String table,
  2. required Map<String, String?> row,
  3. required String where,
  4. bool verbose = false,

Update some datapoints in the database


Future<int> update(
    {required String table,
    required Map<String, String?> row,
    required String where,
    bool verbose = false}) async {
  /// [table] is the table to use, [row] is a map of the data to update
  /// and [where] the sql where clause
  /// Returns a future with a count of the updated rows
  var updated = 0;
  await _mutex.synchronized(() async {
    if (!_isReady) {
      throw DatabaseNotReady();
    final timer = Stopwatch()..start();
    try {
      var pairs = "";
      final n = row.length - 1;
      var i = 0;
      final datapoint = <String?>[];
      final buf = StringBuffer();
      for (final el in row.keys) {
        buf..write("$pairs")..write("$el")..write("= ?");
        pairs = buf.toString();
        if (i < n) {
          pairs = ", ";
      final q = 'UPDATE $table SET $pairs WHERE $where';
      await _db!.transaction((txn) async {
        updated = await txn.rawUpdate(q, datapoint);
      }).catchError((dynamic e) => throw WriteQueryException(
          "Can not update data in table $table $e"));
      final qStr = "$q $datapoint";
          type: DatabaseChange.update,
          value: updated,
          query: qStr,
          table: table,
          data: row,
          executionTime: timer.elapsedMicroseconds));
      if (verbose) {
        final msg = "$q $row in ${timer.elapsedMilliseconds} ms";
      return updated;
    } catch (e) {
  return updated;