apply method

  1. @override
void apply(
  1. Skeleton skeleton,
  2. double lastTime,
  3. double time,
  4. List<Event?> events,
  5. double alpha,
  6. MixPose pose,
  7. MixDirection direction,


void apply(Skeleton skeleton, double lastTime, double time,
    List<Event?> events, double alpha, MixPose pose, MixDirection direction) {
  final Slot slot = skeleton.slots[slotIndex];
  final Float32List frames = this.frames;
  if (time < frames[0]) {
    if (pose == MixPose.setup) {
    } else if (pose == MixPose.current) {
      final Color? color = slot.color, setup =;
      color!.add((setup!.r - color.r) * alpha, (setup.g - color.g) * alpha,
          (setup.b - color.b) * alpha, (setup.a - color.a) * alpha);

  double r = 0.0, g = 0.0, b = 0.0, a = 0.0;
  if (time >= frames[frames.length - ColorTimeline.entries]) {
    // Time is after last frame.
    final int i = frames.length;
    r = frames[i + ColorTimeline.prevR];
    g = frames[i + ColorTimeline.prevG];
    b = frames[i + ColorTimeline.prevB];
    a = frames[i + ColorTimeline.prevA];
  } else {
    // Interpolate between the previous frame and the current frame.
    final int frame =
        Animation.binarySearch(frames, time, ColorTimeline.entries);
    r = frames[frame + ColorTimeline.prevR];
    g = frames[frame + ColorTimeline.prevG];
    b = frames[frame + ColorTimeline.prevB];
    a = frames[frame + ColorTimeline.prevA];
    final double frameTime = frames[frame];
    final double percent = getCurvePercent(
        frame ~/ ColorTimeline.entries - 1,
        1 -
            (time - frameTime) /
                (frames[frame + ColorTimeline.prevTime] - frameTime));

    r += (frames[frame + ColorTimeline.r] - r) * percent;
    g += (frames[frame + ColorTimeline.g] - g) * percent;
    b += (frames[frame + ColorTimeline.b] - b) * percent;
    a += (frames[frame + ColorTimeline.a] - a) * percent;
  if (alpha == 1) {
    slot.color.set(r, g, b, a);
  } else {
    final Color color = slot.color;
    if (pose == MixPose.setup) color.setFromColor(;
    color.add((r - color.r) * alpha, (g - color.g) * alpha,
        (b - color.b) * alpha, (a - color.a) * alpha);