escapeDartString function

String escapeDartString(
  1. String value

Returns a quoted String literal for value that can be used in generated Dart code.


String escapeDartString(String value) {
  var hasSingleQuote = false;
  var hasDoubleQuote = false;
  var hasDollar = false;
  var canBeRaw = true;

  value = value.replaceAllMapped(_escapeRegExp, (match) {
    final value = match[0]!;
    if (value == "'") {
      hasSingleQuote = true;
      return value;
    } else if (value == '"') {
      hasDoubleQuote = true;
      return value;
    } else if (value == r'$') {
      hasDollar = true;
      return value;

    canBeRaw = false;
    return _escapeMap[value] ?? _getHexLiteral(value);

  if (!hasDollar) {
    if (hasSingleQuote) {
      if (!hasDoubleQuote) {
        return '"$value"';
      // something
    } else {
      // trivial!
      return "'$value'";

  if (hasDollar && canBeRaw) {
    if (hasSingleQuote) {
      if (!hasDoubleQuote) {
        // quote it with single quotes!
        return 'r"$value"';
    } else {
      // quote it with single quotes!
      return "r'$value'";

  // The only safe way to wrap the content is to escape all of the
  // problematic characters - `$`, `'`, and `"`
  final string = value.replaceAll(_dollarQuoteRegexp, r'\');
  return "'$string'";