SharedPartBuilder constructor

  1. List<Generator> generators,
  2. String partId, {
  3. String formatOutput(
    1. String code
  4. List<String> additionalOutputExtensions = const [],
  5. bool allowSyntaxErrors = false,

Wrap generators as a Builder that generates part of files.

partId indicates what files will be created for each .dart input. This extension should be unique as to not conflict with other SharedPartBuilders. The resulting file will be of the form <generatedExtension>.g.part. If any generator in generators will create additional outputs through the BuildStep they should be indicated in additionalOutputExtensions.

formatOutput is called to format the generated code. Defaults to DartFormatter.format.

allowSyntaxErrors indicates whether to allow syntax errors in input libraries.


  List<Generator> generators,
  String partId, {
  String Function(String code)? formatOutput,
  List<String> additionalOutputExtensions = const [],
  bool allowSyntaxErrors = false,
}) : super(
        formatOutput: formatOutput,
        generatedExtension: '.$partId.g.part',
        additionalOutputExtensions: additionalOutputExtensions,
        header: '',
        allowSyntaxErrors: allowSyntaxErrors,
      ) {
  if (!_partIdRegExp.hasMatch(partId)) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
      '`partId` can only contain letters, numbers, `_` and `.`. '
          'It cannot start or end with `.`.',