sortImports function

String sortImports(
  1. String contents

Read the given source code, and return the new contents after sorting the imports.


String sortImports(String contents) {
  final ParseStringResult parseResult = parseString(
    content: contents,
    featureSet: FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags2(
      sdkLanguageVersion: FlutterInformation.instance.getDartSdkVersion(),
      flags: <String>[],
  final List<AnalysisError> errors = <AnalysisError>[];
  final _ImportOrganizer organizer =
      _ImportOrganizer(contents, parseResult.unit, errors);
  final List<_SourceEdit> edits = organizer.organize();
  // Sort edits in reverse order
  edits.sort((_SourceEdit a, _SourceEdit b) {
    return b.offset.compareTo(a.offset);
  // Apply edits
  for (final _SourceEdit edit in edits) {
    contents = contents.replaceRange(edit.offset, edit.end, edit.replacement);
  return contents;