parseSLP function

ParseResult parseSLP(
  1. List<int> scriptPubKey


ParseResult parseSLP(List<int> scriptPubKey) {
  int it = 0;
  var itObj = Uint8List(scriptPubKey.length);
  itObj.setAll(0, scriptPubKey);

  const int OP_0 = 0x00;
  const int OP_RETURN = 0x6a;
  const int OP_PUSHDATA1 = 0x4c;
  const int OP_PUSHDATA2 = 0x4d;
  const int OP_PUSHDATA4 = 0x4e;

  final PARSE_CHECK = /* void */ (bool v , String str ) {
    if (v) {

  final extractU8 = /* BN */ () {
    var r = itObj.buffer.asByteData().getUint8(it);
    it += 1;
    return r;

  final extractU16 = /* BN */ (Endian endian) {
    var r = itObj.buffer.asByteData().getUint16(it, endian);
    it += 2;
    return r;

  final extractU32 = /* BN */ (Endian endian) {
    var r = itObj.buffer.asByteData().getUint32(it, endian);
    it += 4;
    return r;

  final extractU64 = /* BN */ (Endian endian) {
    var r1 = itObj.buffer.asByteData().getUint32(it, endian);
    it += 4;
    var r2 = itObj.buffer.asByteData().getUint32(it, endian);
    it += 4;
    var b1 = BigInt.from(r1);
    var b2 = BigInt.from(r2);
    if (endian == Endian.big) {
      return (b1 * BigInt.from(2).pow(32)) + b2;
    } else {
      return (b2 * BigInt.from(2).pow(32)) + b1;

  PARSE_CHECK(itObj.lengthInBytes == 0, "scriptpubkey cannot be empty");
  PARSE_CHECK(itObj.buffer.asByteData().getUint8(it) != OP_RETURN, "scriptpubkey not op_return" );
  PARSE_CHECK(itObj.lengthInBytes < 10 ,"scriptpubkey too small" );

  final extractPushdata = /* num */ () {
    if (it == itObj.length) { return -1;}
    final int cnt = extractU8();
    if (cnt > OP_0 && cnt < OP_PUSHDATA1) {
      if (it + cnt > itObj.length) { --it; return -1;}
      return cnt;
    } else if (cnt == OP_PUSHDATA1) {
      if (it + 1 >= itObj.length) { --it; return -1;}
      return extractU8();
    } else if (cnt == OP_PUSHDATA2) {
      if (it + 2 >= itObj.length ) { --it; return -1;}
      return extractU16(Endian.little);
    } else if (cnt == OP_PUSHDATA4) {
      if (it + 4 >= itObj.length ) { --it; return -1;}
      return extractU32(Endian.little);

    // other opcodes not allowed
    return -1;

  final bufferToBN = /* BN */ () {
    if (itObj.length == 1) {
      return BigInt.from(extractU8());
    if (itObj.length == 2) {
      return BigInt.from(extractU16(Endian.big));
    if (itObj.length == 4) {
      return BigInt.from(extractU32(Endian.big));
    if (itObj.length == 8) {
      return extractU64(Endian.big);
    throw("extraction of number from buffer failed");

  final checkValidTokenId = (Uint8List tokenId) => tokenId.length == 32;
  final List<Uint8List> chunks = [];
  for (var len = extractPushdata();len >= 0;len = extractPushdata()) {
    final buf = Uint8List(len);
    buf.setAll(0, itObj.getRange(it, it + len));
    PARSE_CHECK(it + len > itObj.length, "pushdata data extraction failed" );
    it += len;
    if (chunks.length == 1) {
      final lokadIdStr = chunks[0];
      PARSE_CHECK(lokadIdStr.length != 4, "lokad id wrong size");
          lokadIdStr.buffer.asByteData().getUint8(0) != "S".codeUnitAt(0)
        || lokadIdStr.buffer.asByteData().getUint8(1) != "L".codeUnitAt(0)
        || lokadIdStr.buffer.asByteData().getUint8(2) != "P".codeUnitAt(0)
        || lokadIdStr.buffer.asByteData().getUint8(3) != 0x00, "SLP not in first chunk");

  PARSE_CHECK(it != itObj.length, "trailing data");
  PARSE_CHECK(chunks.isEmpty, "chunks empty");

  var cit = 0;
  final CHECK_NEXT = /* void */ () {
    PARSE_CHECK(cit == chunks.length, "parsing ended early");
    it = 0;
    itObj = chunks[cit];

  final tokenTypeBuf = itObj;
  PARSE_CHECK(tokenTypeBuf.length != 1 && tokenTypeBuf.length != 2,
    "token_type string length must be 1 or 2" );
  int tokenType = 0;
  if (tokenTypeBuf.length == 1) {
    tokenType = extractU8();
  } else if (tokenTypeBuf.length == 2) {
    tokenType = extractU16(Endian.big);
  PARSE_CHECK(![ 0x01 , 0x41 , 0x81 ].contains(tokenType),
    "token_type not token-type1, nft1-group, or nft1-child" );

  final transactionType = utf8.decode(itObj);
  if (transactionType == "GENESIS") {
    PARSE_CHECK(chunks.length != 10, "wrong number of chunks" );

    final ticker = itObj;

    final name = itObj;

    final documentUri = itObj;

    final documentHash = itObj;
    PARSE_CHECK(documentHash.length != 0 && documentHash.length != 32 , "document_hash must be size 0 or 32" );

    final decimalsBuf = itObj;
    PARSE_CHECK(decimalsBuf.length != 1, "decimals string length must be 1" );

    final decimals = bufferToBN().toInt();
    PARSE_CHECK(decimals > 9,
      "decimals bigger than 9" );

    final mintBatonVoutBuf = itObj;
    int mintBatonVout = 0;
    PARSE_CHECK(mintBatonVoutBuf.length >= 2 , "mint_baton_vout string length must be 0 or 1" );
    if (mintBatonVoutBuf.length > 0 ) {
      mintBatonVout = bufferToBN().toInt();
      PARSE_CHECK(mintBatonVout < 2, "mint_baton_vout must be at least 2" );

    final qtyBuf = itObj;//.reversed;
    PARSE_CHECK(qtyBuf.length != 8 ,
      "initial_qty must be provided as an 8-byte buffer" );
    final qty = bufferToBN();

    if (tokenType == 0x41) {
      PARSE_CHECK(decimals != 0, "NFT1 child token must have divisibility set to 0 decimal places" );
      PARSE_CHECK(mintBatonVout != 0, "NFT1 child token must not have a minting baton" );
      PARSE_CHECK(qty.compareTo(BigInt.from(1)) != 0, "NFT1 child token must have quantity of 1" );
    final GenesisParseResult actionData = new GenesisParseResult(
      tickerBuf: ticker,
      nameBuf: name,
      documentUriBuf: documentUri,
      documentHashBuf: documentHash,
      decimals: decimals,
      mintBatonVout: mintBatonVout,
      qty: qty
    return new ParseResult(
      tokenType: tokenType,
      transactionType: transactionType,
      data: actionData
  } else if (transactionType == "MINT") {
    PARSE_CHECK(tokenType == 0x41, "NFT1 Child cannot have MINT transaction type." );

    PARSE_CHECK(chunks.length != 6, "wrong number of chunks");

    final tokenId = itObj;
    PARSE_CHECK(! checkValidTokenId(tokenId), "tokenId invalid size");

    final mintBatonVoutBuf = itObj;
    var mintBatonVout = 0;
    PARSE_CHECK(mintBatonVoutBuf.length >= 2 , "mint_baton_vout string length must be 0 or 1" );
    if (mintBatonVoutBuf.length > 0 ) {
      if (mintBatonVoutBuf.length == 1) {
        mintBatonVout = extractU8();
      } else if (mintBatonVoutBuf.length == 2) {
        mintBatonVout = extractU16(Endian.big);
      PARSE_CHECK(mintBatonVout < 2 , "mint_baton_vout must be at least 2");

    final additionalQtyBuf = itObj;//.reversed;
    PARSE_CHECK(additionalQtyBuf.length != 8, "additional_qty must be provided as an 8-byte buffer" );
    final qty = bufferToBN();

    final actionData = new MintParseResult(
      tokenIdBuf: tokenId,
      mintBatonVout: mintBatonVout,
      qty: qty

    return new ParseResult(
      tokenType: tokenType,
      transactionType: transactionType,
      data: actionData
  } else if (transactionType == "SEND") {
    PARSE_CHECK(chunks.length < 4, "wrong number of chunks");

    final tokenId = itObj;
    PARSE_CHECK(!checkValidTokenId(tokenId ) , "tokenId invalid size");

    final List<BigInt> amounts = [];
    while (cit != chunks.length) {
      final amountBuf = itObj; //.reversed;
      PARSE_CHECK(amountBuf.length != 8, "amount string size not 8 bytes");

      final value = bufferToBN();

      if (cit < chunks.length) {
        itObj = chunks[cit];
      it = 0;

    PARSE_CHECK(amounts.length == 0, "token_amounts size is 0");
    PARSE_CHECK(amounts.length > 19, "token_amounts size is greater than 19");

    final actionData = new SendParseResult(
      tokenIdBuf: tokenId,
      amounts: amounts
    return new ParseResult(
      tokenType: tokenType,
      transactionType: transactionType,
      data: actionData
  } else {
      PARSE_CHECK(true , "unknown action type");

  // unreachable code
  return new ParseResult(
    tokenType: tokenType,
    transactionType: transactionType,
    data: new ImpossibleParseResult()