pushdata function

List<int> pushdata(
  1. List<int> buf

Prepend proper varint to a buffer chunk to be included in script.


List<int> pushdata(List<int> buf) {
  if (buf.isEmpty) {
    return [0x4C, 0x00];
  } else if (buf.length < 0x4E) {
    return [buf.length, ...buf];
  } else if (buf.length < 0xFF) {
    return [0x4c, buf.length, ...buf];
  } else if (buf.length < 0xFFFF) {
    final tmp = ByteData(2);
    tmp.setUint16(0, buf.length, Endian.little);
    return [0x4d, ...tmp.buffer.asUint8List().toList(), ...buf];
  } else if (buf.length < 0xFFFFFFFF) {
    final tmp = ByteData(4);
    tmp.setUint32(0, buf.length, Endian.little);
    return [0x4e, ...tmp.buffer.asUint8List().toList(), ...buf];
  } else {
    throw('does not support bigger pushes yet');