BNToInt64BE function

List<int> BNToInt64BE(
  1. BigInt bn

Convert a big int to 64-bit big endian buffer.


List<int> BNToInt64BE(BigInt bn) {
  if (bn.isNegative) {
    throw('bn not positive integer');

  if (bn > BigInt.parse("18446744073709551615")) {
    throw('bn outside of range');

  var hexStr = '';
  while (bn != BigInt.from(0)) {
    int temp = 0;
    temp = (bn % BigInt.from(16)).toInt();
    if (temp.toInt() < 10) {
      hexStr = String.fromCharCode(temp + 48) + hexStr;
    } else {
      hexStr = String.fromCharCode(temp + 55) + hexStr;
    bn = bn ~/ BigInt.from(16);
  return hex.decode(hexStr.padLeft(16, '0'));