SizedContext extension



diagonalInches double
Returns screen diagonal in Inches
no setter
diagonalPx double
Returns diagonal screen pixels
no setter
heightInches double
Returns screen height in Inches
no setter
heightPx double
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context).height
no setter
isLandscape bool
Returns if Orientation is landscape
no setter
mq MediaQueryData
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context)
no setter
pixelsPerInch double
no setter
sizeInches Size
Returns pixel size in Inches
no setter
sizePx Size
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context).size
no setter
widthInches double
Returns screen width in Inches
no setter
widthPx double
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context).size.width
no setter


heightPct(double fraction) double
Returns fraction (0-1) of screen height in pixels
widthPct(double fraction) double
Returns fraction (0-1) of screen width in pixels