pathTo property

String get pathTo

The fully qualified path to the pub cache.

Dart allows the user to modify the location of the .pub-cache by setting the environment var PUB_CACHE.

This method processes PUB_CACHE if it exists.


String get pathTo => _pubCachePath;
set pathTo (String pathToPubCache)

Updates pathTo, pathToBin and the PUB_CACHE environment variable which will cause pub get (and friends) to look to this alternate path.

This will only affect this script and any child processes spawned from this script.


set pathTo(String pathToPubCache) {
  env[envVarPubCache] = pathToPubCache;
  _pubCachePath = pathToPubCache;
  _pubCacheBinPath = truepath(join(_pubCachePath, 'bin'));