openDatabase abstract method

Future<Database> openDatabase(
  1. String path, {
  2. int? version,
  3. OnVersionChangedFunction? onVersionChanged,
  4. DatabaseMode? mode,
  5. SembastCodec? codec,

Open a new or existing database.

path is the location of the database.

version is the version expected, if not null and if the existing version is different, onVersionChanged is called. When a database is created, its default version is 1.

mode is DatabaseMode.defaultMode by default.

A custom codec can be used to load/save a record, allowing for user encryption.

Custom settings can be specified.


Future<Database> openDatabase(String path,
    {int? version,
    OnVersionChangedFunction? onVersionChanged,
    DatabaseMode? mode,
    SembastCodec? codec});