WidgetSealedJoin7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> typedef

WidgetSealedJoin7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> = Widget Function(Widget mapFirst(A), Widget mapSecond(B), Widget mapThird(C), Widget mapFourth(D), Widget mapFifth(E), Widget mapSixth(F), Widget mapSeventh(G))

builder will be called with a BuildContext and the union of all Bloc states and must return a Widget for each possible state.


typedef WidgetSealedJoin7<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> = Widget Function(
  Widget Function(A) mapFirst,
  Widget Function(B) mapSecond,
  Widget Function(C) mapThird,
  Widget Function(D) mapFourth,
  Widget Function(E) mapFifth,
  Widget Function(F) mapSixth,
  Widget Function(G) mapSeventh,