removeOutliers method

List<T> removeOutliers(
  1. [num factor = 1.5]

Removes and returns list entries with a value satisfying the condition:

value < (q1 - factor * iqr) || (q3 + factor * iqr) < value

where iqr = q3 - q1 is the inter-quartile range, q1 is the first quartile, and q3 is the third quartile.

Note: The default value of factor is 1.5.


List<T> removeOutliers([num factor = 1.5]) {
  final stats = Stats(this);
  final outliers = <T>[];
  factor = factor.abs();
  final iqr = stats.quartile3 - stats.quartile1;
  final lowerFence = stats.quartile1 - factor * iqr;
  final upperFence = stats.quartile3 + factor * iqr;
  removeWhere((current) {
    if (current < lowerFence || current > upperFence) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;
  return outliers;