AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> typedef

AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>

A Provider which exposes a Notifier and listens to it.

This is equivalent to a Provider that exposes ways to modify its state.

See also Notifier for more information.

When using autoDispose or family, your notifier type changes. Instead of extending Notifier, you should extend either:


typedef AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProvider<
        NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
    = AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>;