riverpod library


An interface for provider expressions that can be passed to ref.refresh
Creates an AsyncValue with a data.
Creates an AsyncValue in the error state.
Creates an AsyncValue in loading state.
A Notifier implementation that is asynchronously initialized.
AsyncNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AsyncNotifierProvider.
AsyncNotifierProviderElementBase<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AsyncNotifierProvider.
AsyncNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends FamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of AsyncNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A utility for safely manipulating asynchronous data.
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of AsyncNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifier<State, Arg>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<State, Arg>
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifier<State, Arg>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
A provider that asynchronously creates a value.
The ProviderElementBase of AutoDisposeFutureProvider
AutoDisposeFutureProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of an AutoDisposeFutureProvider
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
AutoDisposeNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends NotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeNotifierProvider
AutoDisposeNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of NotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A provider that exposes a read-only value.
The element of AutoDisposeProvider
AutoDisposeProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of AutoDisposeProvider
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A Ref for providers that are automatically destroyed when no longer used.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
Creates a StateNotifier and exposes its current state.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T, Arg>
The Family of AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeStateNotifierProviderRef<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A provider that exposes a value that can be modified from outside.
The element of StateProvider.
AutoDisposeStateProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of StateProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProvider.
AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of StreamNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Creates a stream and exposes its latest event.
The element of AutoDisposeStreamProvider.
AutoDisposeStreamProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of AutoDisposeStreamProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Family<@Deprecated('The generic parameter will be removed in version 3.0.0. ' 'This is to enable riverpod_generator to implement families with generic parameters') State>
A base class for all families
FamilyAsyncNotifier<State, Arg>
A Notifier implementation that is asynchronously initialized.
FamilyNotifier<State, Arg>
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
FamilyStreamNotifier<State, Arg>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
A provider that asynchronously creates a value.
The element of a FutureProvider
FutureProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of a FutureProvider
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A object which maintains a provider alive.
A class which exposes a state that can change over time.
NotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends NotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of NotifierProvider.
NotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends FamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of NotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
An object used by ProviderContainer/ProviderScope to override the behavior of a provider/family for part of the application.
A provider that exposes a read-only value.
A base class for all providers.
An object that stores the state of the providers and allows overriding the behavior of a specific provider.
A provider that exposes a read-only value.
An internal class that handles the state of a provider.
ProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of Provider
A shared interface between ProviderListenable and Family.
An object that listens to the changes of a ProviderContainer.
A common interface shared by ProviderBase and Family
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Represents the subscription to a ProviderListenable
Ref<@Deprecated('Will be removed in 3.0') State extends Object?>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
An interface for provider expressions that can be passed to ref.refresh
A StateNotifier that allows modifying its state from outside.
An observable class that stores a single immutable state.
StateNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
Creates a StateNotifier and exposes its current state.
StateNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
The element of StateNotifierProvider.
StateNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T, Arg>
The Family of StateNotifierProvider.
StateNotifierProviderRef<NotifierT extends StateNotifier<T>, T>
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A provider that exposes a value that can be modified from outside.
The element of StateProvider.
StateProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of StateProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
StreamNotifierProviderElement<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifierBase<T>, T>
The element of StreamNotifierProvider.
StreamNotifierProviderFamily<NotifierT extends FamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg>
The Family of StreamNotifierProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.
Creates a stream and exposes its latest event.
The element of StreamProvider.
StreamProviderFamily<R, Arg>
The Family of StreamProvider.
An object used by providers to interact with other providers and the life-cycles of the application.


A base class for providers that never dispose themselves.
A base class for all providers, used to consume a provider.
A mixin to add overrideWithValue capability to a provider.
A base class for all providers, used to consume a provider.


AsyncValueX on AsyncValue<T>
An extension that adds methods like when to an AsyncValue.
OverrideWithProviderExtension on ProviderType
A mixin to add overrideWithProvider capability to providers.


describeIdentity(Object? object) String
Returns a summary of the runtime type and hash code of object.
shortHash(Object? object) String
Object.hashCode's 20 least-significant bits.


AsyncNotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = FamilyAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AsyncNotifier<T>, T> = AsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeAsyncNotifier<T>, T> = AutoDisposeAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = AutoDisposeFamilyAsyncNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A provider which creates and listens to an AsyncNotifier.
AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = AutoDisposeFamilyNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A Provider which exposes a Notifier and listens to it.
AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = AutoDisposeFamilyStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
AutoDisposeNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeNotifier<T>, T> = AutoDisposeNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A Provider which exposes a Notifier and listens to it.
AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends AutoDisposeStreamNotifier<T>, T> = AutoDisposeStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
ErrorListener = void Function(Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace)
A callback that can be passed to StateNotifier.onError.
Locator = T Function<T>()
A function that allows obtaining other objects.
NotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = FamilyNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
The provider for NotifierProviderFamily.
NotifierProvider<NotifierT extends Notifier<T>, T> = NotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A Provider which exposes a Notifier and listens to it.
RemoveListener = void Function()
A callback that can be used to remove a listener added with StateNotifier.addListener.
StreamNotifierFamilyProvider<NotifierT extends FamilyStreamNotifier<T, Arg>, T, Arg> = FamilyStreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T, Arg>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.
StreamNotifierProvider<NotifierT extends StreamNotifier<T>, T> = StreamNotifierProviderImpl<NotifierT, T>
A variant of AsyncNotifier which has build creating a Stream.

Exceptions / Errors

An error thrown when a call to Ref.read/Ref.watch leads to a provider depending on itself.
Thrown when tried to call LocatorMixin.read<T>(), but the T was not found.s
An error thrown when trying to update the state of a StateNotifier, but at least one of the listeners threw.