iconData static method

IconData? iconData(
  1. DataSource source,
  2. List<Object> key

Returns an IconData from the specified map.

If the map does not have an icon key that is an integer, returns null.

Otherwise, returns an IconData with the IconData.codePoint set to the integer from the icon key, the IconData.fontFamily set to the string from the fontFamily key, and the IconData.matchTextDirection set to the boolean from the matchTextDirection key (defaulting to false).

For Material Design icons (those from the Icons class), the code point can be obtained from the documentation for the icon, and the font family is MaterialIcons. For example, Icons.chalet would correspond to { icon: 0xe14f, fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons' }.

When building the release build of an application that uses the RFW package, because this method creates non-const IconData objects dynamically, the --no-tree-shake-icons option must be used.


static IconData? iconData(DataSource source, List<Object> key) {
  final int? icon = source.v<int>([...key, 'icon']);
  if (icon == null) {
    return null;
  return IconData(
    fontFamily: source.v<String>([...key, 'fontFamily']),
    matchTextDirection: source.v<bool>([...key, 'matchTextDirection']) ?? false,