borderSide static method
Returns a BorderSide from the specified map.
If the map is absent, returns null.
Otherwise (even if it has no keys), the BorderSide is created from the
keys color
(see color, defaults to black), width
(a double, defaults
to 1.0), and style
(see enumValue for BorderStyle, defaults to
static BorderSide? borderSide(DataSource source, List<Object> key) {
if (!source.isMap(key)) {
return null;
return BorderSide(
color: color(source, [...key, 'color']) ?? const Color(0xFF000000),
width: source.v<double>([...key, 'width']) ?? 1.0,
style: enumValue<BorderStyle>(BorderStyle.values, source, [...key, 'style']) ?? BorderStyle.solid,