Responsive UI


responsive_ui package helps you to create a responsive widget and Nested responsive widgets. Works on Android,iOS, Web with both Portrait and LandScape mode.

Getting Started

It works as same as Bootstrap / Materialize Row Column method, Splitting screen into 12 columns and placing widget by combining column based on screen size.

        children: <Widget>[
                colS: 5,
                offsetL: 2,
                child: Card(child: Icon(
                colS: 12,
                colM: 6,
                colL: 4,
                child: Text('responsive ui')
WEB EXAMPLE Have a look!


  • colS | mobiles ( <= 600px )

  • colM | tablets ( 600px - 990px )

  • colL | laptops ( > 990px )


The Responsive UI Package contains two simple widgets.

  1. Div()
  2. Responsive()

1. Div()

Div() intakes child & column sizes.


Arguments inputs if null / default to
child Widget not null / required
colS (int) 0-12 12
colM (int) 0-12 ColS value
colL (int) 0-12 ColM value
offsetS (int) 0-12 0
offsetM (int) 0-12 0
offsetL (int) 0-12 0

(S = small, M = medium, L = large)

  • 0 - 0.0 width (gone) (replaced with SizedBox.shrink())

  • 12 - full width (provided by parent widget not screen width)

  • Parent widget should not be a horizontal scroll type widget

  • To offset, simply add offsetS / offsetM / offsetL to the Div() widget with colS / colM / colL respectively.

2. Responsive()

Responsive intakes List<Widget> or List<Div> with default column/screen size for each widget can be declared.


Arguments inputs if null / default
children List not null / required / empty[]
alignment WrapAlignment WrapAlignment.start
runAlignment WrapAlignment WrapAlignment.start
crossAxisAlignment WrapCrossAlignment WrapCrossAlignment.start
runSpacing double 0.0


  • Div() works with vertical scroll not in horizontal scroll, as it calculations are base on width only.

  • Div() works as expected when it placed as a direct child of Responsive() widget's children.

  • Sum of the offset and the respective col should be <= to 12


Placing a Responsive() widget into a Div().

The nested Responsive() widget takes the width provided by parent Div() widget and not the screen width


responsive_ui is made simply using Wrap() and LayoutBuilder() with a bits of logics.

