reflectableBuild function

Future<BuildResult> reflectableBuild(
  1. List<String> arguments


Future<BuildResult> reflectableBuild(List<String> arguments) async {
  if (arguments.isEmpty) {
    // Globbing may produce an empty argument list, and it might be ok,
    // but we should give at least notify the caller.
    print('reflectable_builder: No arguments given, exiting.');
    return BuildResult(BuildStatus.success, []);
  } else {
    // TODO(eernst) feature: We should support some customization of
    // the settings, e.g., specifying options like `suppress_warnings`.
    var options = BuilderOptions(
        <String, dynamic>{'entry_points': arguments, 'formatted': true},
        isRoot: true);
    final builder = ReflectableBuilder(options);
    var builders = <BuilderApplication>[
      applyToRoot(builder, generateFor: InputSet(include: arguments))
    var packageGraph = await PackageGraph.forThisPackage();
    var environment = OverrideableEnvironment(IOEnvironment(packageGraph));
    var buildOptions = await BuildOptions.create(
      deleteFilesByDefault: true,
      packageGraph: packageGraph,
    try {
      var build = await BuildRunner.create(
          buildOptions, environment, builders, const {},
          isReleaseBuild: false);
      var result = await {});
      await build.beforeExit();
      return result;
    } finally {
      await buildOptions.logListener.cancel();