ReadyImageExtension extension



readyImageDecoration({required String path, Uri resolveUrl(String path)?, ImageRenderMethodForWeb? imageRenderMethodForWeb, int? maxHeight, int? maxWidth, double scale = 1.0, String? cacheKey, BoxFit? fit, HeadersCallBack? headers, BaseCacheManager? cacheManager, void onError(Object, StackTrace?)?, ColorFilter? colorFilter, AlignmentGeometry alignment =, Rect? centerSlice, ImageRepeat repeat = ImageRepeat.noRepeat, bool matchTextDirection = false, double opacity = 1.0, FilterQuality filterQuality = FilterQuality.low, bool invertColors = false, bool isAntiAlias = false}) DecorationImage
create DecorationImage with respect of global config
readyImageProvider({required String path, Uri resolveUrl(String path)?, ImageRenderMethodForWeb? imageRenderMethodForWeb, int? maxHeight, int? maxWidth, double scale = 1.0, String? cacheKey, HeadersCallBack? headers, BaseCacheManager? cacheManager}) ImageProvider<Object>
create ImageProvider with respect of global config