A Dart package that helps you work with physical quantities and units seamlessly.

Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style license.


To install, add this to your pubspec.yaml's dependencies section:

    url: https://codeberg.org/triallax/quantities.git
    ref: v0.2.0

NOTE: This package used to be published on pub.dev, but no releases after v0.2.0 will be published there. Publishing to pub.dev requires a Google account, and I really dislike Google and want to de-google my life as much as possible. I know this means that packages published to pub.dev can't use quantities, and that you can't have version bounds for this package if you install it with Git as shown above. No, I am not sorry.

API Status

The API is highly experimental; large changes are planned. Do NOT use this package in production code unless you understand and accept the consequences of this.


import 'package:quantities/quantities.dart';

void main() {
  final height = 165(centi(meter));
  final weight = 53(kilo(gram));
  final bmi = weight / (height * height);
  print('${bmi.to(kilo(gram) / squareMeter)} kg / m^2');


This package takes huge inspiration from purescript-quantites, especially in its internal design. Kudos to sharkdp!

