updateVersionFromDetails function

void updateVersionFromDetails(
  1. Version? newVersion,
  2. PubSpecDetails pubspecDetails

Updates the pubspec.yaml and versiong.g.dart with the new version no.


void updateVersionFromDetails(
    Version? newVersion, PubSpecDetails pubspecDetails) {

  // recreate the version file
  final pathToPackgeRoot = dirname(pubspecDetails.path);

  print(green('Updated pubspec.yaml version to $newVersion'));

  // updated the verions no.
  pubspecDetails.pubspec.version = newVersion;

  // write new version.g.dart file.
  final pathToVersion = versionPath(pathToPackgeRoot);
  final pathToVersionLibrary = versionLibraryPath(pathToPackgeRoot);

  if (!exists(pathToVersion)) {
    createDir(pathToVersion, recursive: true);
  print('Regenerating version file at ${absolute(pathToVersionLibrary)}');
    ..write('/// GENERATED BY pub_release do not modify.')
    ..append('/// ${pubspecDetails.pubspec.name} version')
    ..append("String packageVersion = '$newVersion';");

  // rewrite the pubspec.yaml with the new version

  /// pause for a moment incase an IDE is monitoring the pubspec.yaml
  /// changes. If we move too soon the .dart_tools directory may not exist.