protect library


The ListRangeIterator provides more capabilities than a standard iterator, including the ability to get the current position, count remaining items, and move forward/backward within the iterator.


codepointsToUtf16CodeUnits(List<int> codepoints, [int offset = 0, int? length, int? replacementCodepoint = UNICODE_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER_CODEPOINT]) List<int>
Encode code points as UTF16 code units.
encodeUtf16le(String str, [bool writeBOM = false]) List<int>
hexlify(List<int> b, int s, int l) String
isFileNotProtected(Uint8List data) bool
newBuf(int sz) → _PROTECTBlob
prepBlob(_PROTECTBlob blob, int pos) → void
readInt16LE(List<int> b, int idx) int
readInt32LE(List<int> b, int idx) int
readUInt16LE(List<int> b, int idx) int
readUInt32LE(List<int> b, int idx) int
readUInt8(List<int> b, int idx) int
toBuffer(List<List<int>> bufs) List<int>
utf16le(List<int> b, int s, int e) String
writeInt32LE(List<int> b, int val, int idx) → void
writeUInt32LE(List<int> b, int val, int idx) → void
zeroFillRightShift(int n, int amount) int