prompts library


choose<T>(String message, Iterable<T> options, {T? defaultsTo, String prompt = 'Enter your choice', bool chevron = true, bool colon = true, AnsiCode inputColor = cyan, bool color = true, bool conceal = false, bool interactive = true, Iterable<String>? names}) → T?
Displays to the user a list of options, and returns once one has been chosen.
chooseShorthand<T>(String message, Iterable<T> options, {T? defaultsTo, bool chevron = true, bool colon = true, AnsiCode inputColor = cyan, bool color = true, bool conceal = false}) → T?
Similar to choose, but opts for a shorthand syntax that fits into one line, rather than a multi-line prompt.
clearLine() → void
Clears the current line, and goes back to the start of the line.
get(String message, {bool validate(String)?, String? defaultsTo, bool colon = true, bool chevron = true, bool color = true, bool allowMultiline = false, bool conceal = false, AnsiCode inputColor = cyan}) String
Prompt the user, and return the first line read. This is the core of Prompter, and the basis for all other functions.
getBool(String message, {bool defaultsTo = false, bool appendYesNo = true, bool color = true, bool chevron = true, bool conceal = false, bool colon = true, AnsiCode inputColor = cyan}) bool
Presents a yes/no prompt to the user.
getDouble(String message, {double? defaultsTo, bool color = true, bool chevron = true, bool colon = true, bool conceal = false, AnsiCode inputColor = cyan}) double
Prompts the user to enter a double.
getInt(String message, {int? defaultsTo, int radix = 10, bool color = true, bool chevron = true, bool conceal = false, bool colon = true, AnsiCode inputColor = cyan}) int
Prompts the user to enter an integer.
goUpOneLine() → void
Goes up one line.