prompt_dialog library


prompt(BuildContext context, {Widget? title, Widget? textOK, Widget? textCancel, String? initialValue, bool isSelectedInitialValue = true, String? hintText, String? validator(String?)?, int minLines = 1, int maxLines = 1, bool autoFocus = true, TextInputType? keyboardType, TextInputAction? textInputAction, bool obscureText = false, String obscuringCharacter = '•', bool showPasswordIcon = false, bool barrierDismissible = false, TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none, TextAlign textAlign = TextAlign.start, TextEditingController? controller, InputDecoration? decoration, EdgeInsets? insetPadding, EdgeInsets? contentPadding, EdgeInsets? actionsPadding, EdgeInsets? titlePadding, EdgeInsets? buttonPadding, EdgeInsets? iconPadding, bool canPop = false, void onPopInvoked(bool)?, int? maxLength}) Future<String?>
The title argument is used to title of alert dialog.
The textOK argument is used to text for 'OK' Button of alert dialog.
The textCancel argument is used to text for 'Cancel' Button of alert dialog.
The initialValue argument is used to an initial value of alert dialog.
The isSelectedInitialValue argument is used to select an initial value of alert dialog.
The hintText argument will be hintText in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The validator argument will be validator in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The minLines argument will be minLines in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The maxLines argument will be maxLines in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The autoFocus argument will be autoFocus in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The keyboardType argument will be keyboardType in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The textInputAction argument will be textInputAction in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The obscureText argument will be obscureText in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The obscuringCharacter argument will be obscuringCharacter in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The showPasswordIcon visible for show password icon. default is false.
The barrierDismissible argument will be barrierDismissible showDialog form of alert dialog.
The textCapitalization argument will be textCapitalization in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The textAlign argument will be textAlign in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The controller argument will be controller in TextFormField of alert dialog.
The decoration argument will allow modification of the text field decoration. The hintText and suffixIcon fields will be overridden.
The canPop argument is canPop of PopScope.
The onPopInvoked argument is onPopInvoked of PopScope. The maxLength argument will be maxLength in TextFormField of alert dialog.\